Call on President Biden to Get Serious About Nuclear Disarmament

First in Ukraine and now in Gaza, the use of nuclear weapons has been threatened, amplifying the risk of nuclear war, a danger that many experts believe is now at an unprecedented level. Even without the use of nuclear weapons, the consequences of these wars are horrific - countless lives lost, terrible violence, communities destroyed, and children traumatized. Adding to this horror is the growing risk of nuclear war, which jeopardizes our lives, our climate, and our world.

There is only one way to truly end this constant threat- get rid of nuclear weapons - all of them. PSR-LA plays a leading role in Back from the Brink (BftB), a national grassroots campaign that brings communities together to build the power and political will needed to abolish nuclear weapons.  Local voices matter, and we need your help to ensure President Biden is hearing them. 

Urge your local, county, and state elected officials to sign the BFTB-organized letter to President Biden to

  1. send an observer delegation to the 2nd Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to be held in New York City in late November AND

  2. to initiate negotiations with all nuclear weapons states toward a verifiable, timebound agreement to eliminate all nuclear weapons from the planet.

It is long past time to take nuclear disarmament seriously. With your support, California can become a national leader advocating for a safer, more peaceful, and just world. The deadline for signatures is Friday, November 10, 2023, so take action today!


Health Care and Public Health Professionals’ Call to Immediate Action to Address the Violence in Israel and Gaza and Its Health Consequences