Calculate Your Community’s Nuclear Spending!

This fiscal year, the United States spent $74.746 billion dollars on our nuclear weapons program, with $9.7 billion of that coming from Californians, and $2.3 billion coming from Los Angeles County alone!

These funds would be better spent addressing the public health, environmental justice, and housing crises our communities face. PSR-LA’s Back From The Brink campaign seeks to abolish nuclear weapons and fundamentally change the policies that drive this spending. So far, we’ve been able to pass 50+ local and state resolutions in support of our policy agenda and we are generating a sign-on letter from elected officials to President Biden and Congress.

Through Back From The Brink, PSR-LA is growing the movement to change our misplaced national priorities that leave many communities over-militarized and underserved. We are grateful for all of our PSR-LA members who take part and hope you can make a contribution to help sustain this work in 2021. 

This Tax Day, you can also join our efforts by calculating how much nuclear weapons cost you and your community using this formula created by Dr. Bob Dodge, President of PSR-LA’s Board. And if you want to learn more about Back From The Brink in your community, please reach out to us to learn more!

The risk of nuclear war is real and growing, and we know that a nuclear war cannot be cured – so it must be prevented. Please donate to PSR-LA today and support our work to reimagine public safety and security to better reflect the real needs of our communities.


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