Centering Housing Justice and Health Equity in Building Decarb

Coauthored with: Kate Connolly (Columbia University), Edgar Barraza (PSR-LA), Antonio Diaz (PODER), Olivia Seideman (LCJA), Christine Selig (PODER), Katie Valenzuela (CVAQ), Sooji Yang (Common Spark Consulting), prepared for the Building Energy, Equity, and Power (BEEP) coalition composed of LCJA, CVAQ, LCEA, PODER, PSR-LA, SHE, and CRPE.

NRDC supported the leadership of the BEEP coalition in the creation of this issue brief. Equitable building decarbonization efforts will only be truly equitable if they take leadership from and center the perspectives of the most vulnerable and impacted communities and the organizations that work directly with these communities.

Click to read the full report and learn more.


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